When buying a newly constructed home, clients often wonder if they should purchase a land survey (plat). Buyers often express a belief that new construction means nothing could be wrong. Lawyers believe a land survey should be prepared for almost all closings, and this is even more important when purchasing new construction.
A land survey showing the completed home on the lot confirms that the placement of the house does not violate minimum building setback lines and/or utility easements. The survey also identifies encroachments (something a neighbor owns “encroaching” on your property) and projections (something you own “projecting” onto the neighboring lot), which sometimes parties want to address before a closing.
Historical Fact- Park Street was originally named Gates Street after Gen. Horatio Gates. Gates was the Commander of the victorious Northern Army at Saratoga in 1777. He commanded the Southern Army where Gates suffered a disastrous defeat at Camden in 1780. Gates has been described as “one of the Revolution’s most controversial military figures” because of his role in the Conway Cabal, which attempted to discredit and replace George Washington as well as his actions during and after his defeat at Camden. Gates was replaced by Gen. Nathaniel Greene. He died in 1806 in New York. The street was changed to Park Street around 1941 due to being adjacent to Sydney Park later called Seaboard Park.
Blair Cato Pickren Casterline is proud to announce that the firm will now be the preferred closing attorney for New Start Homes. We look forward to working with New Start Homes in addition to our other great builders: Blue Ribbon Builders, Executive Construction Homes, Great Southern Homes, NewStyle Communities, Ryan Homes, Synergy Homes and Wilson Parker Homes.
Photo by Tyler Howarth